Not for us, silly! Put your money where these mouths are.
We're doing Bike the Barns again in 2015 with Team Madison A to Z - more info, or pledge here. Thank you!
Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin: a network collaborating on behalf of food pantries, shelters, meal sites and other hunger-relief programs across Wisconsin.
REAP Food Group: A Madison-based nonprofit committed to "building a regional food system that is healthful, just, and both environmentally and economically sustainable."
Community GroundWorks at Troy Gardens: Stewards of a few dozen acres on Madison's north side with the goals of "developing the land in a sustainable manner, improving food security for Madison's Northside residents, and providing educational programs on gardening, natural areas restoration, food preparation, nutrition, and environmental education."
Middleton Outreach Ministry: Their mission to "mobilize a community effort to inspire hope by providing faith connections, food, clothing, housing assistance and other life necessities" is realized in many ways, including a food pantry garden.
Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition: A nonprofit supporting and connecting Community Supported Agriculture farmers and eaters; nota bene the Partner Shares Program.
Just Dining Guide: a project of the Workers' Rights Center of Madison and the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice to highlight restaurant employers who are "going the extra mile" to provide good wages, benefits and working conditions.
Thank you!