In a word: Backwoods.
The specs: #00962
8646 Davis St, Mt. Horeb, 53572
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JM ate the pizza burger with a lemonade.
Nichole ate the egg salad sandwich with cole slaw and a diet Coke.
The bill was $21, or $10.50/person, plus tip.
JM gave Marcine's a C+; Nichole gave Marcine's a C (see our grading rubric).
Mt. Vernon is a tiny crossroads town that we only know anything about because of one bar's food. This place was packed on a midday Sunday afternoon, even in the non-football season. Everyone in Mt. Vernon must have been there, because when we walked in, it was swivel factor nine.
So there must be something to it, though our specific meal was so-so, on the whole. JM's pizza burger was messier than expected and the meat patty was a little too laid back. The cheese curds, however, were quite good.
The egg salad sandwich Nichole got really epitomized the dish, with a mild preparation of eggs and mayo on package-perfect bread, and was cut diagonally with what must have been a good sharp knife. (It was way prettier and more precise than any egg salad sandwich Nichole ever makes at home, which kind could be described charitably as a hodgepodge - almost always some funky mustard, and usually some sort of relish or other crunch factor, and frequently loaded onto the heels of the loaf with the crust side turned in and if it's cut at all it's probably smushed with a butterknife.) The slaw had long ribbons of fresh-tasting green and purple cabbage in a thick but lightly applied mayo-based dressing. A few potato chips and we'd be in firm B+ territory, food-wise.
The folks there took really good care of us. There definitely was a Wisconsin vibe: a rolling salad bar awaited stocking for weekend suppers, and there were more sports and NASCAR posters on the walls than seemed possible for one room to hold. Some say that Marcine's has a great fish fry and wings, though we're not sure we'll be able to find out with another X00 places to visit before Z rolls around again.
I always wish you lovely folks would detail the prices. $20+ for a two-top is ridiculous - until, I guess, you add in beverages. I drink nothing but water when I eat out (not because I'm cheap, but because I drink only water or brewed iced tea no matter where I am, and iced tea in most restaurants is a dicey propostion) so it would be lovely to know what I'd be plunking down sans the (usually pricey) liquid refreshments
Posted by: MarshaK | August 23, 2015 at 07:21 PM