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Hot Stuff Pizza

Hot Stuff PizzaIn a word: Not so hot.

The specs: #00912   
3401 University Ave., 53705
Details at Hot Stuff Pizza on Urbanspoon

Latest Hot Stuff Pizza news and reviews

JM ate the pizza.
Nichole ate the burger.
We picked up some c-store junk food on the side.
The bill was $10, or $5/person, plus tip.
JM gave Hot Stuff Pizza a D+; Nichole gave Hot Stuff Pizza a D (see our grading rubric).

We won't criticize this place too much. We don't recommend eating dinner at a convience store: we didn't at ChinMi, we didn't at Casey's, we didn't at... (okay, Athens Gyros... one time we did).  Don't care how great the preparations are at Kwik Trip, the raw materials are questionable - the preservatives alone would stun a mule deer. The ingredients list on the pizza box had triple-nested brackets, never a good look.

Gas station dinner

Even fast food beats this stuff and takes literally no longer to order and receive.  Stick to the packaged food, magazines and lottery tickets.


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I used to work there. (In 1995, so quite a while back.) I would never, ever eat there.

The last time we were there, we ate their pizza and undoubtedly we were not impressed. I completely agree with you that their food is not even close to fast foods you can get at this price.

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