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Horseshoe Bar & Grill

Horseshoe Bar & GrillIn a word: Not as lucky as you'd hope.

The specs: #00911   
3900 Dempsey Rd., 53716
Details at Mike's Horseshoe Bar & Grill on Urbanspoon
Official web site, Facebook

Latest Horseshoe Bar & Grill news and reviews

Chris ate the fish and chips.
JM ate the grilled cheese sandwich with cheese curds.
Marissa ate the chicken sandwich.
Nichole ate the cheeseburger with Swiss.
We all split fried mushrooms and - fish nuggets of some kind.
The bill was about $40 plus tip.
Chris and JM gave Horseshoe Bar & Grill a B; Marissa gave Horseshoe Bar & Grill a B-; Nichole gave Horseshoe Bar & Grill a C+ (see our grading rubric).

Horseshoe Bar may need to update their digital footprint. Marissa noted that the place looked closed from the internet's vantage, since their last Facebook update preceded the reelection of Barack Obama. 

Fortunately, they were open and did have a nice dinner selection for us. Horseshoe is a grill and two-basket deep fryer kind of place. Getting everything for a party of four such that it could hit the table at the same time was a challenge for the cook/server, but she made it.


When you travel with A to Z, sometimes you get ALL the sauces.  Indeed, there were several sauces listed at the bottom of the menu and we just asked for one of each even if we didn't really know what we were going to put sour cream on.  The apps, which used up a fair amount of the sauces, were hot and crisp without getting to dark from dirty fry medium. The BBQ sauce was quite good and the cocktail sauce (freshly prepared by the increasingly awesome bartender) was as good as any we've had out of a bottle.

Jalapeno potato cheezersBurger
Fish - nuggets?Chicken sandwich

From worst to best, the chicken sandwich tasted cheap and mostly blah.  It was breaded and served on a nice bun, though.  Same was true of the cheeseburger which came out tasting like a grilled burger even though such a thing would have been impossible.  JM's grilled cheese with cheese curds was standard and tasty; the cheese choice was American or Swiss, either double of one or some of each, which was JM's option. Chris' verdict was that the fish & chips were as good as many places that advertise a fish fry, so he couldn't complain too much.

Grilled cheese and cheese curdsFish fry

Horseshoe's best feature was probably the bartender, who was adept and friendly, but we'll probably remember her - and Horseshoe - best for the moment she unceremoniously exclaimed that Robin Williams had just died.

Anyway, the price is certainly low and there's not a ton of room for groups larger than four, but this could be a great place to go as a local.


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