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Edible Book Festival 2014 call for entries

Hey, out there in Madison-food land!

We know that many of our readers love to 1) eat and 2) read! So, UW Memorial Library and UW-Madison General Library System want to see how well you can combine the two.

Next Thursday is the Edible Book Festival at Memorial Library. They are looking for even more entries to make this year's festival the grandest of all. (See also: 2012 and 2013 reports for inspiration.)

Fahrenheit 451Here's what to do:

  1. Think of your favorite book or else a book that could make a clever edible design.
  2. Make sure that the project can be ready by April 10.
  3. Fill out the online entry form by April 7. (NOTE: the additional information)
  4. Get to work! Make that idea a reality using foods. Fruit, cake, pie, icing and vegetables have all made great materials in the past, but maybe you can use meats or crackers or anything you can eat.
  5. Deliver your entry to Memorial Library by 11 AM on the day of the judging (don't worry, they'll get you the details).
  6. Win a fabulous award in any of these five categories: Most Creative Use of Ingredients, Best Visual Presentation, Funniest/Punniest, Best Literary Mash-Up and, of course, People's Choice. Enjoy a delicious reception, too!

That's right! You have the right stuff and you can make your dreams come true. Or, at least, you can make a diorama about literature out of food.

Good luck!


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