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Day One Pizza

Day One PizzaIn a word: Puts its best foot forward.

The specs: #00840  
355 E Linnerud, Sun Prairie 53590
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JM and Nichole split the Hawaiian Pizza and cheese bread. Each had a soda.
The bill was $28, or $14/person, plus tip.
JM and Nichole gave Day One Pizza a B+ (see our grading rubric).

Day One Pizza seems to be a small North Dane/Southern Columbia County chain. Our visit to their Sun Prairie establishment was overall pretty good, though we do wonder sometimes about certain choices that restaurants make.

First off, the staff is first rate. Other than a somewhat zoned out order taker, every person who spoke to us was super excited about living the pizza dream in Sun Prairie. Not very necessary, but nice. The dining room was large a clean, with some solo chairs lined up against a counter overlooking a window. Despite its size, though, it sure seems like Day One could fit a few more tables in. Or, it could move a couple of tables and add an arcade game or two. Something else, anyway.

Cheese breadHawaiian pizza

The cheese bread arrived first and was the size of a pizza. Thick and gooey, the cheese was piled high. Bread is bread at a pizza place and this was neither super awesome nor unfortunate, so it ends up a bit of a wash.

The Hawaiian pizza is one of our favorite standards to measure with and Day One's is quite good. It is substantial and tasty while, at the same time, a little too generic. Either the pizzas are a little big or the flavor is a little repetitive. That said, leftovers are plentiful and some buy their pizza to give them cold pizza, Day One turns out to do reasonably well on Day Two.

In fact the reason for somewhat lower grades this time is more a competition problem. If we were hungry for pizza in Sun Prairie, we'd go to Anna's or spring for Salvatore's. Day One just happens to be in a crowded market. If the service was poor at either of those spots, Day One would offer a fresh alternative. Sadly, this is not the case and it drifts into 3rd among SP pizza places and we're just not in town often enough to need three.


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So, you think Day One Pizza is better than Glass Nickel? There is a GNP branch in Sun Prairie, and I think makes as good a pie as any of the other ones in the area.

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