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Country Cafe

Breakfast Specialist & Smelt special Weds & FriIn a word: When life becomes too fast, I find relief at last.

The specs: #00830  
1030 Emerald Terr., Sun Prairie 53590
Details at Country Cafe on Urbanspoon
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JM ate the fried pork chop with sage dressing, potatoes & gravy.
John ate the sweet & sour shrimp with a side of peaches.
Nichole ate the smelt with red potatoes & coleslaw with a decaf.
Rose ate the sweet & sour chicken with a side of peaches.
We split an apple dumpling for dessert.
The bill was $36, or $9/person, plus tip.
JM and Nichole gave Country Cafe an A-; John and Rose gave Country Cafe a B+ (see our grading rubric).

We'll take a place like Country Cafe in Sun Prairie any day. It was just comfortable there.

We barely scratched the real menu because the specials had some of our favorites. A banner under the marquee announced smelt on Wednesdays & Fridays. These were somewhat stiff & heavily breaded, but dang if it's not good to be able to get some smelt sometimes. The red potatoes were tender & heavily buttered, and the slaw was creamy.

Pork chopsSmelt and red potatoes

Another special, the fried pork chop dinner, was a pair of chops cut thin & breaded (hard to go wrong with that), pretty good sage dressing, and good mashed potatoes & gravy. Indeed on a cold winter's night, there's nothing so comforting as Thanksgiving-type food and the pork chop easily replaces the turkey.  When they have this special, get it.

Sweet and sour shrimpSweet and sour chicken

The chicken and shrimp done sweet & sour came in a pleasantly light sauce that wasn't too sweet. It was served in nice skillet-shaped dishes. There were excellent, fresh, multicolored bell peppers & pineapple pieces. The chicken was breaded, sliced breast meat, a refresing change from the more common nugget-style.

Canned cling peaches, airy yeast rolls, and plenty of refills from a great server rounded out the meal, but we went for more and got the "apple dumpling" dessert. It was a big bowl of cinnamon ice cream over apples sliced and baked in an egg-rich batter, all topped with whipped cream, caramel sauce, and a cherry. Super fun.

Apple dumplingApple dumpling

The $36 check was almost unbelievable. Country Cafe is hitting its mark, and any time we need a fix of frill-free food, we'd fill up here.


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