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Coach's Club

BeveragesIn a word: Certainly not first class.

The specs: #00827  
1200 Main St., Cross Plains, 53528
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Chris ate the wings.
JM ate the BBQ Cheddar Bacon with a lemonade.
Marissa ate the chicken wrap with beer cheese soup.
Nichole ate the mac & cheese with salad.
The bill was $50, or $12.50/person, plus tip.
We all gave Coach's Club a B- (see our grading rubric).

Going to a sports bar on New Year's Day may have been trouble.  The Badgers were about to play in the Rose Bowl, and party prep was underway at Coach's.  We happened to go with a birthday girl and found out that Coach's is Cross Plains' Nitty, a birthday bar of sorts, though their glasses still said 2012.

There was just plain general confusion all around.  The staff was either new or horribly distracted because our server would disappear for ten minutes at one go and then reappear only to be told exactly one thing (which we may have four things to tell him) and then he was off again.

Beer cheese soupSalad

The food was alright but nothing to write home about. The beer cheese soup was loaded with brat pieces and real cheddar-y. But the salad was decidedly meh.

WingsBurger and friesCaesar wrapMacaroni & cheese

The smallish serving of wings were standard, but nothing you couldn't get more of for the same price at BW3. JM's BBQ burger was a little more done than ordered, and overall was not BBQ-y enough. The fries were ok, if a touch thick. The wrap also fell exactly into the ok bucket, neither too awesome nor actually bad for you. The mac & cheese was pretty good, though. It was loaded with Monterey Jack and lots of heavy cream, which created the odd side effect that it paired well with coffee.

Sadly, the side of cheese biscuits were unprepared that day.  Much like the staff.  You could go to Coach's and have a fine meal, but counting on that seems risky.


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I'm glad you provided a pic of the mac 'n' cheese because your declaration of it being "pretty good" might have sent me in for it should I have been in the neighborhood. I know, I know - personal choice - but to me it looks more like soup than a casserole.

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