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Sons of Norway Fall Frokost & Bake Sale

Bake sale todayThe Sons of Norway Idun Lodge on Winnebago St. is having a breakfast & bake sale this Saturday, November 24, 2012 from nine until noon. We first heard about it from the inimitable Madison on the Cheap, and got a reminder from the paper earlier this week. We went last year. The breakfast was delicious.

We got there a bit before the doors opened to get in line. The operation was extremely efficient, though, and we didn't hear of anything running out except maybe lefse (and parking spots).

Sons of Norway breakfast

Nichole's favorite bits of breakfast were the gjetost, a soft, smoky cheese (which we've since seen for sale at Cheeser's in Stoughton); fruktsuppe, cold fruit soup with tapioca pearls; the three kinds of herring; and the presence of vegetables.

JM's favorite bits were the baked goods, natch, and some of the strange meats in sauces that he loves so much. Rose and John approved, too.

Check it out. If you miss this one, there's usually a breakfast in spring, as well.


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I love gjetost!

Karl's grandmother loves gjetost! She gets it at Woodman's. I always think it looks like play-dough.

Gjetost is reasonably unique in that it's made from whey.

Eeew...pickled herring. I'm imagining it was icy cold. Was it? What do you like about it N?

I learned to love herring. It's always part of New Year's Eve, when a piece of Ma Baensch's on a Ritz is good luck.

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