Fruit Stand (cart)
Update 11/9/10: Fruit Stand is closing.
In a word: It's nature's candy.
The specs: #0572
Address, hours & details via Isthmus; review at AV Club.
Latest Fruit Stand news and reviews
JM ate a pear.
Nichole ate a plum.
We got a bag of corn nuts.
The bill was $4, or $2/person.
JM gave Fruit Stand a B; Nichole gave Fruit Stand a B+ (see our grading rubric).
Stop Two on our serial cart lunch was Fruit Stand. We grabbed a pear and a plum and a bag of snackies for the office. But first we busted out the camera, hoping to supplement what will be a very short post with a mini-photo essay, and about the third snap, the proprietor hollered, "Hey, fifty cents per picture!"
He was kidding. But he did say he's got a collection of photos of fruit stands all over the world that his customers bring back from their adventures. So if you've got holiday snaps to share, strike up a conversation; the biggest joy of supplementing your cart lunch with nutrients from whole and dried fruits, nuts and snack mixes is the sociability of the folks in the booth.
We got a pear and a plum and, after taking a taste of our Fresh Cool Drinks fare, were free to dig in. JM's pear was chin-dripping juicy and sweet. The plum was tart and meaty, all you'd want in a plum.
We've made more than one excellent bargain haul from Fruit Stand on a Thursday or Friday 20% off sale (otherwise known as "eat or freeze what you buy immediately"). We'd like to see more organic and local choices, though there are some there and they're well-marked. The regular prices are higher than grocery store's, but are fair considering the convenience factor. So we'll eat a peach.