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Pitcher's Pub

In a word: Not quite a starter, but a relief.

The specs: #0483  
Address, hours & details via Isthmus; reviews at City Search, Yelp, Pitcher's Pub on Urbanspoon, listing at WiFoos and Eat Drink Madison.

JM ate the chicken club with a lemonade.
Nichole ate the inferno wings with a Hopalicious.
We split some cheddar rounds.
The bill was $20, or $10/person, plus tip.
JM gave Pitcher's Pub a B+; Nichole gave Pitcher's Pub a B- (see our grading rubric).

Latest Pitcher's Pub news and reviews

Pitcher's PubPitcher's Pub hides off the Beltline near Rimrock in an area of frontage roads and business-to-business storefronts that usually blend into the scenery. Inside the warehouse-like building, though, the atmosphere is pleasant with high ceilings, tons of seating, clean air, and big-screen TVs that fit the scale of the place. The bartenders are hospitable and the patrons warm, too.

We visited in the middle of Geek.Kon weekend, which is to say Pitcher's might have gotten some points just because we were glad to take a break. Nichole soon skewed her grades even more with a sample of the bar's signature "Swampwater" - a vodka and lemon lime punch served in a mason jar. It looked and tasted like a melted popsickle. Maybe her senses had been inured by hanging around cosplayers all weekend, but she didn't think the candy-flavored neon drink was as bad as she probably should have.

As for the food, JM had a chicken club with a breaded chicken cutlet, sliced ham, and some bacon that was just a touch too crispy (he is aware that there are two schools of bacony thought and he subscribes to the tear-it-apart-with-your-teeth as opposed to the brittle-on-impact ideal). The bread was also not up to the task of holding the 'dwich together. Other than those minor points, the club was great with a nicely spiced flavor and was of a good size. The inferno-hot wings had a cumulative heat and were on the way-greasy side. Our side of cheddar rounds was standard but for that they were executed as well as, say, Paradise's.

Bottom line, this is decent bar food at OK prices and we wouldn't not come back.


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What the heck is a cheddar round?

Mmm, swampwater. I haven't partaken in one of those in quite a while (bar in LaCrosse back in the college years) but it's nice to know I could get one around here!

If Nichole had two Swampwaters she would have given the Pub a A.

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