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Jim's Meat Market

Sign for Jim's Meat MarketIn a word: Not too shabby.

The specs: #0276
Address, hours & details via Isthmus.

JM ate the BBQ pork sandwich with fries and a grape Crush.
Nichole ate the cod fish fry with wedge fries and a cherry Coke.
The bill was $16, or $8/person.
JM gave Jim's Meat Market a B; Nichole gave Jim's Meat Market a B+ (see our grading rubric).

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Jim's Meat Market across from Warner Park has a great neighborly vibe to it. Chatting with a regular, Nichole heard that Jim's is also offering more ready-made carryout meals than they used to. The menu is quite broad, and would have been almost intimidating had it not been so clearly displayed. Everything from deli sandwiches to hamburgers to broasted chicken dinners was listed on a combination of blackboards, whiteboards, and posters, all with prices and options well-noted - a rare boon in the deli world.

Sign inside Jim's Meat Market

We have to disclose that the food may have suffered from its lengthy time in transit to our table, but even accounting for that the fried foods didn't hold up very well. The fish came in 2 flat fillets that seemed more perch-like than cod-dy, being light grey and the opposite of flaky, with a few tiny bones near the tail. The breading, however, was nice and peppery, and hot out of the fryer it was probably superb.

CarryoutThe regular fries had suffered the most by waiting. The wedge fries, on the other hand, were velvety inside and decently seasoned outside. Since the portions were so generous, we were able to make a meal of the leftovers. A few minutes in a hot oven did a lot to resuscitate this fried feast.

As for JM's BBQ pork sandwich, the meat was tender and the BBQ sauce decent with just a hint of zing (one wonders if it is available in EXTRA bold). However, the sandwich didn't hold together very well, nor was it quite moist enough. Jim's seemed like a good spot but not really a great meal for him.


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I can't vouch for Jim's deli food, and the one time we got a cold salad from the deli we were unimpressed, but the brats are incredible. They have a whole freezer full of every variety of brats, and every one we have tried has been a huge hit - especially the Hawaiian brat. If you get a chance, skip the Johnsonville next time and pick up a pack of brats from Jim's Meat Market.

I'd love to read the entire review but a picture is blocking it!

Thanks for the heads up - should be fixed now.

We go there a lot for meat - their "specialty" items like New Orleans rolls and burgundy pepper steak are especially good. Salads are OK, nothing special. As for the take-out deli, we've only done that once. The meat was fine, but the sandwiches would have benefited from better bread. Both taste-wise and something-to-hold-the-sandwich-together-wise. As it was, the bread was pretty meh, and soaked to the point that the sandwiches basically fell apart. We both thought the French fries were very good.

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