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Chalet Landhaus Inn

In a word:  Swiss hit (as opposed to a Swiss miss).

The specs: #0190
Address, hours & details via Isthmus; WiSJ review; official web site; Chalet Landhaus Inn on Urbanspoon

Latest Chalet Landhaus Inn news and reviews

JM ate the wienerschnitzel with sorbet, fries and a lemonade.
Nichole ate the pastetli with spinach soup and roesti.
The bill was $44, or $22/person, plus tip.
JM and Nichole gave Chalet Landhaus Inn a B+ (see our grading rubric).

We celebrated our non-participation in moving day by trekking out to New Glarus. Chalet Landhaus greeted us warmly, and the charming, ever-so-slightly shabby hotel was, well, gemütlich.

Chalet Landhaus lobby

The layered green salad that started our meal suited Nichole. JM, however, contended that it had multiple personalities - noodles! greens! peppers! ranch dressing! red sauce! - and the overall effect left him wishing the salad would have picked one personality and stuck with it.

Chalet Landhaus sorbet

JM's sorbet was wasted on him (not to put too fine a point on it). Nichole would have cadged him out of more of the delightful fruity dish, but her own spinach soup was perfectly creamy & went well with the fresh, hot dinner rolls.

Chalet Landhaus soup

The pastetli (puff pastry with chicken and rice) were loaded with butter.  The flaky crust was the best part, though the chicken could have been more tender, and the mushrooms were too few (and the rice not wild enough) for Nichole's taste. Still, the entree was excellent, and having the roesti (cheesy hash browns) and a forkful or two of the peppery vegetable medley to pack in the next day's lunch was nice.

Chalet Landhaus pastetli

JM's wienerschnitzel filled him right up.  It was tasty and tender with a nice crispy crust.  It was not as good as a similar dish purchased across town, but was better than your run-of-the mill meat dish.

Chalet Landhaus wienerschnitzel

If you're in the area, we'd recommend Chalet Landhaus as your second choice for a quality meal in New Glarus. Though we're not sure how long this bus...

Chalet Landhaus bus

...or this cow will be there to greet you.

Chalet Landhaus cow


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